The Last hours of LK Wikia
Laura Kitchens

Laura Kitchens is the main character and murder victim in the online mystery drama The Final Hours of Laura K. She uses Twitter , Instagram and Facebook .


Laura Kitchens was born on May 13, 1991. She was 24 years old when she was murdered on Saturday, March 7 2015 in London, England. Laura's hometown is Cannock, England. She was born to Louise Manning (nee Kitchens?), a nurse at Cannock Chase Hospital. Little is known about her biological father. She has a stepfather, Trevor Manning, and a younger sister Jess Manning. Jess's sixteenth birthday is March 7. Laura has a contentious relationship with her stepfather Trevor. Laura tweeted on February 26 that her mother is Jamaican and her father Iranian. This, however, may not be true. Laura's mother Louise is likely not a Jamaican national as she speaks with a native English accent. Furthermore, Laura has tweeted multiple times about not knowing the identity and/or whereabouts of her father. Tweets from April 19 2013 , April 28 2013 , April 29 2013 , May 7 2013 , July 2 2013 , and January 31 2015  all deal with the subject of an absentee and unknown father. There are indications that she was previously estranged or nearly so from her family (05:53). It is implied that Mel Delaney and Laura grew up together in Cannock.

Laura is dating Jacob Taylor, but their relationship is coming to an end. At the time of Laura's death she is considering a relationship with Naomi.

There are several indications that Laura is not a truthful person. Although close friend Eddie claims that Laura's father is deceased, Laura has tweeted once that she has lied about her father dying in order to get out of social events. At 03:44, Laura's boyfriend calls and she tells him she is on her way home, but in reality she is at a movie theater with Naomi. She also texts her friend Mel she is home while she is at the theater. Laura lies to Eddie McVarish about quitting smoking (05:43).

During Christmas of 2014,Laura visited Bruges with her boyfriend Jacob.

Laura is employed as a personal assistant at the company Room 90.   

At the age of 15 Laura had an affair with a teacher, Richard Hart, who was imprisoned for statutory rape for his part of the affair.   

March 7[]

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